Vitality Unleashed: Essential Strategies for Taming Blood Sugar, Digestion, and Inflammation

The answer to your diet, nutrition, and lifestyle questions. 


Genetics, blood sugar, digestion, and inflammation are the primary building blocks to health. 

Vitality Unleashed: Essential Strategies for Taming Blood Sugar, Digestion, and Inflammation, offers the answer to your diet, nutrition, and lifestyle questions.  Dr. Lanzarotta has broken each of the primary systems and their function into simple user-friendly explanations and included not only the common disorders and medical terms, but also safe and healthy approaches for repairing and reversing the chronic disorders associated with each system. Dr. L has included a free workbook with self-assessment questions and tracking forms to enable the reader the opportunity to tailor a personal plan that fits their specific needs and lifestyle. Health is a lifelong journey, having a handbook to resource your most frequently asked questions can make the hard decisions much simpler.




Our health is a journey that starts at birth and does not end until we take our last breath. Life is demanding and complicated, my goal is to facilitate your journey with a simple, uncomplicated approach to diet, nutrition, and lifestyle that is tailored to your specific health needs. I depend on not only my years of study as a health professional, but my personal experience as a mother of four children and 7 grandchildren along with my personal love of all things outdoors and food. Health is personal to me and I too have to work hard to maintain mine. I am passionate about health and all aspects of achieving it, I am constantly researching and studying to stay current with the science of nutrition.

I believe everyone is “one of a kind” which makes your health issues and path to better health deserving of a “one of a kind” solution. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you on your health quest.


Dr. L

The Reviews

“My Goal is to provide the information and support that meets your unique needs. Building better health from the foundation up using diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and real life coaching.”

— Dr. Suzette Lanzarotta, DC