Chiropractic, Functional Medicine Nutrition, & Homeopathy


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“Homeopathy, with its single purpose of attention to the whole human being and the prescribing of the simple remedy to trigger the ‘vital force’ (natural defense reaction) within the human constitution to begin its own curative process”.

Cecil Craig, Ph.C 1974

Classical Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine developed by a German medical doctor and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann, 200 years ago.  

A homeopathic solution or “Remedy” can be made from animal, mineral, vegetable, and so much more. The beauty of a remedy is the ‘micro-dosing’ of substances that is based on the “Law of Similars” -similia similibus curentur, or “let likes be treated by like”. This minute dosing system of treatment requires taking an incredibly detailed case history, and then researching to find the exact similar in a homeopathic.  

My training as a homeopath has taught me to be a good listener, find the core cause of a health condition, and treat the whole person and not just the symptoms. The symptoms are the clues, very important, but not necessarily what we need to focus on to return an individual to full health. 

My homeopathic training has shaped the very core of my approach to working with my patients, whether they come to my office for Chiropractic, Nutrition, or Homeopathic treatment. I am looking to the cause of the health complaint and a “Wholistic” approach to healing through diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and homeopathy. 


Start Your Journey with a live Online Course "The Metabolic Mastery Short Course"

This is an interactive course that includes: self-assessment forms relating to your health and blood sugar, an opportunity to complete a food diary, a deep dive into carbohydrates and which are best suited to individuals with insulin resistance, the importance of healthy fats and proteins in a balanced diet, the opportunity to construct your first week menu planning, and snacks. Designed to set the individual up for success and meet their health goals.


Results-based care with four, eight, or twelve-week programs that include testing, diet, nutrition, and supplement plans tailored to your health goals.


This individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach, empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of a disease. Using diet, nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle recommendations to repair and restore health to the system.

Functional Medicine Nutrition addresses your unique health goals.The functional medicine approach takes into consideration your unique health landscape based on genetics, acquired health issues, diet, nutrition and lifestyle. The doctor and the patient work together to co-create practical, a achievable plans that allow you to embrace your personal unique lifestyle needs and the changing seasons of your health.